Nigel Heatrick

Glaslough, Co. Monaghan
My Name is Nigel Heatrick and I have a farm in Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. This farm has been in my family since 1961 and we run fifty to fifty-five dairy cows and approximately thirty pedigree Hereford cows.
My father began breeding Herefords in 1951 and I grew up looking after them. I’ve always liked the breed because of their ease of calving and short gestation. The calves are easily fleshed, and they have a docile nature, which is important to me, especially now, as I am running the farm on my own.
The prefix of our Hereford herd is Glaslough Herefords, it was established by my father in 1951. In the spring I travel around the country attending all the society sales, from Limerick to Nenagh to Tullamore – I sell my bulls all over Ireland. 70% of the bulls I sell on farm are to repeat customers. Farming Herefords is my passion, and they will always have a place here on the farm, it’s where I get my enjoyment. For me Herefords are hobby as well as a business, there’s a great social aspect to the shows and the sales, and through them I know people all across Ireland.

Farming Herefords is my passion, and they will always have a place here on the farm, it’s where I get my enjoyment

Over the years we have bred bulls that have gone into AI, we had three or four in the 80’s and 90’s, and the most recent one is Glaslough Esquire, he was sold into Dovea AI station.

"I think that the future for Hereford Prime is bright, we have a great product and people nowadays appreciate quality. In my opinion Hereford beef is the best you can get."