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Striploin Steaks with Hogao Sauce

by Kinneagh Kitchen

I always season my steaks the day before I cook them. Salt draws the moisture out of the meat but if left for 12-24 hours, the meat will relax and reabsorb the juice along with some of the seasoning, giving the effect of seasoning from the inside out. I like to cook my steaks over a high heat to allow the outside to char and the inside to remain quite rare. If you like a well done steak, it is advisable to lower the heat so as not to burn the outside before the inside is cooked through.

I always season my steaks the day before I cook them. Salt draws the moisture out of the meat but if left for 12-24 hours, the meat will relax and reabsorb the juice along with some of the seasoning, giving the effect of seasoning from the inside out. I like to cook my steaks over a high heat to allow the outside to char and the inside to remain quite rare. If you like a well done steak, it is advisable to lower the heat so as not to burn the outside before the inside is cooked through.

Serves: 2

Cooking Time:


for the Steaks

for the Hogao


  1. The day before cooking, season the steaks generously with salt and pepper. Put the steaks onto a plate and leave uncovered on the bottom shelf of the fridge overnight – don’t leave any cooked or ready to eat foods on the same shelf or any of the shelves below. Remove the steaks from the fridge one hour before cooking.
  2. First make the hogao. Put all of the ingredients except the coriander and seasoning into a pan and set it over a medium low heat. Allow to cook for 10 minutes, stirring regularly. If it begins to catch turn the heat down to low. After ten minutes add the coriander and season with salt and pepper. Press the tomatoes with the back of a wooden spoon to release their juices and cook for a further 10 minutes, adding some hot water if it gets too dry. Check for seasoning..

  3. Meanwhile set a frying pan over a medium high heat and add the oil. When hot, place the steaks into the pan being careful of any spitting oil. Cook on the first side for 3-4 minutes (rare) before turning over and cooking for 3-4 minutes on the opposite side. Stand the steaks on their side (fat side down) in the pan and cook for 3-4 minutes to render down the fat.

  4. Remove the steaks from the pan and allow to rest on a plate for 5-10 minutes before slicing and serving on a bed of hogao. Pour any resting juices over the sliced steak just before serving.

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Tom Barry

Tom Barry’s family farm is Baytown Park, Dunboyne, Co Meath. He is the third generation on the farm taking over from his late father, Thomas Barry in 2008 and keeps Hereford cross suckler cows as well as pedigree Hereford cows. Herefords are such a docile breed and as a part time farmer, with teenagers helping around the farm, it’s important to have a breed that’s easy to look after and handle. Tom’s farm is in the Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS) for the past 5 years, where frequently taking soil samples and the completion of a nutrient management plan are required.